Hello Brighton Business Curry Club Members

If you are visiting this page, then very possibily you have attended one of the fantastic Curry Clubs, run by Lisa Reynonds of Let Me Do That For You.

We have been working closely with Lisa and the Curry Club, as event print partner for a good few years now. And once a year we get the opportunity to sponsor the event, and highlight our services to you guys.

Please continue reading.

As I explained in my short presentation, Face Media Group are keen to get into businesses at an early stage, and have found that by offering a free set of business cards to new startups and people who haven't yet taken on board the need to network with a quality business card - then we'd like to do them a free set of cards.

The offer is also open to chairities and community projects, where a business card in the hand could go a long way to opening doors and attracting charity supporters and business support.

We don't just do this because we are a lovely bunch at Face Media Group, this strategy works for us, many recipients of cards return to reorder and buy more from our vast print portfolio.

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To redeem the Brighton Business Curry Club business card offer, please email JIM or give him a call.


01273 419002 or 07711 948 990

Jim has a memory like a sieve, so give him a nudge and remind him why you're getting in touch.

Jim also mentioned a couple of excellent things that he's involved with and he'd like you to experience.

1 - Apprenticeships - If you haven't had an apprentice, or are intrigued, then chat with Jim, he's an abassador for the National Apprenticeship Scheme and in thet role, attends training and events to make sure he knows everything there is to know about the programme, and where he can signpost you.

2 - Young Enterprise - This is an international charity that has been around for over 50 years, it's aim is to conjoin education and business enterprise. They run a project across Sussex, called The Company Programme - where 15/16/17 year olds are encouraged to start a new business, manufacture products, sell them, make a profit, then close the business down, all within the academic year. Jim is looking for Business people like you, to offer up a bit of time each week, to support a local group at a nearby school or college. Get in touch, so Jim can tell you more.

Thank you for reading.

Karma - what comes around, goes around!