How do I convert text to outlines?
Ellie Williamson
Published: 05/07/2013
Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
In order to ensure there are no live fonts in the artwork you send us:
- Select all the text within your artwork
- Click 'Type' from the toolbar along the top of the window and select 'Create Outlines'
All text will now be converted to outlines ensuring the artwork can be opened on any computer regardless of whether the fonts are installed.
Adobe Photoshop
Once you have finished designing your artwork and have saved the working artwork file:
- Click 'Layer' from the toolbar along the top of the window
- Select 'Flatten Image'
This will cause the artwork to become one layer with no live text present.
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Make sure you save a separate file with all text converted to outlines and don’t overwrite your working artwork.
I form part of the Pre-Press team, working meticulously to ensure your artwork is print ready and will achieve the best outcome possible. I am a huge book worm, enjoy creating my own greetings cards, experimenting with nail varnish designs and am crazy obsessed with handbags!
I have been at FMG over 5 years and started as an apprentice. I love it #OFMG