How do I supply my artwork for Spot UV Varnish?

Author: Ellie Williamson
Published: 05/07/2013

The CMYK artwork file should be set up in exactly the same way you would create artwork for a standard print job. The Spot UV file can consist of vector or bitmap graphics as long as the objects to be Spot UV varnished are set in 100% black. (See 'Understanding the difference between Vector & Bitmap Graphics' for more information).

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Ellie Williamson Pre Press Expert
I form part of the Pre-Press team, working meticulously to ensure your artwork is print ready and will achieve the best outcome possible. I am a huge book worm, enjoy creating my own greetings cards, experimenting with nail varnish designs and am crazy obsessed with handbags! I have been at FMG over 5 years and started as an apprentice. I love it #OFMG
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