Gratis Flyers

Back in the old days, we used to offer free flyers to good causes...

Each week we gave away a FREE set of 5000 full colour flyers to a good cause, a community project or a charity event. We did this to ensure our flyer runs ran 'full' with no waste. Times have changed, now we fill our runs to capacity, ensuring no waste, because if we do have an A6 space on a litho sheet, we'll bring in a digital job (1000 A6) to save running under capacity. Here's some of the lucky recipients.

How Did They Qualify?

If you thought you were a worthy cause, you emailed us and asked (Not forgetting to include print-ready artwork). And if we hadn't already allocated that week's FREE set, then it could have been you.

QUOTING - 'gratis' as a reference.

Gratis recipients

Here are some of the community projects, good causes and charities who have benefited from's GRATIS invitation recently.

  • Pier To Pier provides free wireless internet access to Brighton beach, using WiFi technologies. With a WiFi card in your laptop, or a Mac with Apple's airport capabilities, you can connect to the internet for free from the beach, when in range of our nodes.

  • Kids Charities UK

    Run by Caroline McFarlane, KidsCharitiesUK is a very worthwhile cause which got involved with for the promotion of their 'Blast From The Past' 70's themed charity Concert in February 2004. Bill, thanks for the book :) .

  • Beckton Youth Inclusion

    A non-profit council type project which is part of a national scheme "designed to reduce crime, arrest, truancy and school exclusion in the most deprived estates of England and Wales.

  • Calvary Chapel - Southampton

    Calvary Chapel is a non-denominational evangelical Christian church that began with twenty-five people in California in 1965 and was a key church that reached out to the youth of the counter-culture, the drug users and hippies. The outreach later become known as the Jesus Movement as God gave the increase and thousands gave their lives to Christ.

  • Bath Community Centre

    To launch a regular event in order to raise money for the local community centre which allows young people to record and produce their music in a studio without charge.

  • Sheffield CIS

    Helping a non-funded / voluntary sports education unit.

  • Daventry Toy Library

    Who provide a weekly play session for children aged mainly 0 to 5 years. We offer toy hire to parents at 50p for 2 weeks. This means that we are accessible to all members of our community. We just need to let them know that we exist! This is our 10th year and although word of mouth is very good there are, inevitably, lots of people who have never heard of us.

  • Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment

    FISU teaches the art of meditation and spiritual unfoldment

  • Skater Designed Skater Founded

    A young company that's evolved in the rollerbalding community - offering support and experiences to young skaters aged between 15 and 20.

  • Christian Organisation at the University of Sheffield

    To promote a 'Christian Awareness' week which needs publicity.

  • 10th Anniversary Rwandan - Brighton

    To promote an events month, in order to raise funds and awareness for the Rwandan cause.

  • The GTK Summer Ball

    The Guy's, King's and St.Thomas's Hospital's charity ball in aid of Tommy's, the baby charity. Aiming to raise approximately 10,000 for Tommy's by holding a ball on Saturday 5th June 2004 for approximately 1000 doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and medical students.

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