Standard Flyer Printing

We cater for large and small orders

The industry 'norm' is to print these flyers in batches of 5000 and 10000, as we do. But we have also found that sometimes 5,000 flyers is just TOO many, so we have introduced batches of 500, 1000 and 2500 flyers to complement the 5 and 10 thousand.

Flyer Specification

Our standard flyers are printed on a 300gsm Board, Zanders Mega (which is 50% recycled) manufactured from wood pulp sourced from sustainable forests, using elemental chlorine free pulp (ECF), producing significantly lower level of polluting effluent than other boards. We also offer 100% recycled flyers.

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The standard flyer is ideal for distributing your information to the masses. Use them effectively and efficiently to get your name out there.

Customer Testimonials

Steerforth | Andy Parslow

I have recieved the new A7 long flyers and there brilliant. Just wanted to say thank you for all the help and support you have given us with this and we should be putting our next run for these in soon. I also am in the process of designing a business card using the template of your site. I will get this across soon.

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