Greeting cards are an ideal way to let people know you’re thinking off them. It’s a small gesture and an easy one to make, but it lets someone know how much you appreciate their place in your life or your business.
Size / Quantity | 25 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | Multiple Designs |
A6 (148mm x 105mm) | £37 | £49 | £59 | £84 | £111 | £159 | Quote |
Small Square (105mm x 105mm) | £36 | £49 | £61 | £96 | £134 | £209 | Quote |
Medium Square (120mm x 120mm) | £38 | £52 | £68 | £110 | £161 | £263 | Quote |
Large Square (148mm x 148mm) | £38 | £52 | £68 | £110 | £161 | £263 | Quote |
A5 (210mm x 148mm) | £38 | £52 | £64 | £110 | £161 | £263 | Quote |
Add clear Cello Bags to your order | £1 | £2 | £3 | £7 | £15 | £30 | Quote |
Greetings cards can be for almost any occasion. Whether you are congratulating someone on passing a test or wishing a couple a happy anniversary, the greeting card is the perfect way to give a nice message. They come in either single or double sided on 425 micron cardboard.
Birthdays, Xmas, New Job, Leaving a Job, Having a Baby, Thank You for The Business - our range of standard cards lets you design and order packs to suit all the occasions you can come across both at work and at home, and by designing your own you can make them as unique and personal as you like.
Standard cards are ideal for branding to use in your business and give to clients as well as for personal use at Xmas time or special occasions such as weddings and Christenings.
And with our great pricing options you can say it in a way that won’t break the bank.
Often we are asked, 'Can I supply several designs and still pay the one quantity price' - Yes you can. See the 'Multiples' tabs on the above grids. Supply the corresponding amount of designs, and we'll get that done for you.
(This is only available with our standard cards, because of the way they are printed).
We can supply cellobags if required. Just ask.