Bumper Stickers - The Classic Brand Awareness Tool

Bumper stickers are the tried and tested marketing tool for raising brand awareness. Stick them on windows, machinery, notice boards, guitar cases, luggage, wheelie bins, sports equipment, shop displays and even vehicle bumpers – anywhere your slogan, logo or branding will be seen and remembered. Make them eye catching and fun and people will remember your brand for brightening their day and bringing a little colour to their lives.

White vinyl bumper stickers - individuals

  • Stock : White vinyl PP
  • Colours : Full colour
  • Adhesive : Semi permanent
  • Supplied : Individually diecut
  • Prices exclude delivery and VAT (where appropriate)
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Get Them Thinking and They'll Remember You

The key to making a bumper sticker really effective is to include a really memorable slogan and catch phrase that people will associate with your business from then on. If you already have one for the business as part of your branding then use it, "loud and proud" as they say. If you would like help coming up with a bumper sticker slogan and a great design to go with it, then we have an outstanding design and copywriting team that will be happy to work with you on that all important marketing message.

About Bumper Stickers

Bumper stickers can be placed directly onto pretty much any dry surface, and once there are weatherproof which makes them suitable for outdoor use. We print your design onto the white or clear surface, which can be a removable or permanent self-adhesive vinyl, and our inks and materials are fully lightfast and weather resistant.

The most cost effective way to produce bumper stickers is to use our standard formats. They are set up because they make best use of the standard paper sizes, but if your design works better with a different format then let us know as we can cut to any size.