Please take a look below for a full listing of resources available.
A to Z Guides
A to Z guides on varying topics in the world of design.
Brand Journals
Read about the creative process and get an insight to the mind of our designers.
Design Showcase
Some of our best designs in show.
FREE Design Templates
Choose from our various templates to help you prepare your artwork.
FREE Print Buying Guides
Guides to help you choose the perfect print for you based on price and specification.
FREE Print Design Tips and Guides
Quick guides on design for print.
Instruction Sheets
How to assemble tip sheets and instruction manuals for various products.
Print Articles
Articles on some of our different types of product.
Product Specification Sheets
Product specification sheets for products available from Face Media Group
Supplying Your Artwork
Useful information on guiding you through supplying artwork.
A to Z of Colours
A to Z of colours including hex, pantone and RGB colour codes.
Flyer Design Examples
Five examples of flyers we have designed recently that are particularly effective.
FREE Artwork Templates
Everything you need to get started when designing your own artwork for print. Available in a variety of formats and sizes over a vast product range
FREE Business Stationery Templates
We have a variety of FREE branded business stationery templates for you to use. Just add your logo and contact details.Source AI files available for download.
FREE Christmas Card Templates
We have an array of Christmas themed designs for you to choose from.
FREE Flyer and Leaflet Design Templates
A collection of all our professional and modern flyer templates.
Business Card Articles
Showing the potential of the business card.
Flyer and Leaflet Articles
Find out some interesting facts and tips in relation to leaflet and flyer printing and design.
General Print Articles
Descriptions on issues surrounding printing.
Helpful Tips - Factors to Consider when Supplying Your Artwork
Tips and hints to consider when preparing and supplying your artwork for printing.
A to Z of Screen Printing Terms
A to Z of print terminology in relation to textile printing.
Colours beginning with the letter A
List of colours beginning with A.
Colours beginning with the letter B
List of colours beginning with B.
Colours beginning with the letter C
List of colours beginning with C.
Colours beginning with the letter D
List of colours beginning with D.
Colours beginning with the letter E
List of colours beginning with E.
Colours beginning with the letter F
List of colours beginning with F.
Colours beginning with the letter G
List of colours beginning with G.
Colours beginning with the letter H
List of colours beginning with H
Colours beginning with the letter I
List of colours beginning with I.
Colours beginning with the letter J
List of colours beginning with J.
Colours beginning with the letter K
List of colours beginning with K.
Colours beginning with the letter L
List of colours beginning with L.
Colours beginning with the letter M
List of colours beginning with M.
Colours beginning with the letter N
List of colours beginning with N.
Colours beginning with the letter O
List of colours beginning with O.
Colours beginning with the letter P
List of colours beginning with P
Colours beginning with the letter Q
List of colours beginning with Q.
Colours beginning with the letter R
List of colours beginning with R.
Colours beginning with the letter S
List of colours beginning with S.
Colours beginning with the letter T
List of colours beginning with T.
Colours beginning with the letter U
List of colours beginning with U.
Colours beginning with the letter V
List of colours beginning with V.
Colours beginning with the letter W
List of colours beginning with W.
Colours beginning with the letter X
List of colours beginning with X.
Colours beginning with the letter Y
List of colours beginning with Y.
Colours beginning with the letter Z
List of colours beginning with Z.
Design and Branding Journal for Brighton Estate Agents Phillips & Still
Phillips & Still are a new start up estate agents who came to us needing a whole brand for their new venture.
Business Card Templating
Why not tool-up every member of staff you have, with a set of cards. It's easy to do - just send us the artwork, or tell us the changes to the card we already have on our system, and we'll even book it in for you.
What is a QR Business Card?
QR codes are becoming increasingly more popular to use on business cards.
Vat on flyers and other printed matter
When are flyers vatable? Find out here.
District of the Dead
This design was similar to Rie-Store in the sense that the design was created by layering up different textures.
Friday Throwdown - Maidens Head
Club nights are a great venue for getting flyers out into the world, and handing them out after a gig or event raises awareness of upcoming shows and helps pull the regulars in.
Kingsley Coffee
This flyer design for Kingsley Coffee was aimed at raising awareness of the different activities that take place in the coffee shop.
Vintage style design is a personal favorite of mine, and once I had the chance to design this flyer for the vintage car importer, Rie-Store, my imagination started running riot.
Spicer International
The flyer for Spicer International was designed to reflect a very clean and corporate feel.
Blank Envelope Templates
Blank envelope templates
FREE 2019 Customisable Wall Calendar Template
Download a live working version of our 2019 Wall Calendar template. Customise in Illustrator and then re-save as a PDF. The Zip file contains instructions on how to modify the template. 2019 version also available for download below.
FREE Blank Artwork Template for Latex Balloons
Blank artwork template for promotional printed balloons
FREE Blank Booklets Templates
Blank booklet templates for you to download.
FREE Blank Brochure Templates
Free brochure templates for you to utilise.
FREE Blank Business Card Templates
Business card templates free for you to download.
FREE Blank Calendar Templates
Calendar templates to keep you up to date.
FREE Blank Compliment Slip Templates
FREE Templates of compliment slips for you to download.
FREE Blank Die Cut Flyer Templates
Download templates available for DL die cut flyers.
FREE Blank Flyer and Leaflet Templates
A range of blank flyer and leaflet templates in various sizes and formats.
FREE Blank Folded Leaflet Templates
Download these folded leaflet templates for free.
FREE Blank Folded Menu Templates
Folded menu templates for you to download for free.
FREE Blank Greetings Card Templates
Greeting card templates free to download.
FREE Blank Hand Held Flag Templates
A selection of blank template for hand held flags, sizes ranging from A6 to A4 visible flag size.
FREE Blank Leaflet Holder Templates
A selection of free blank A5, A4 and A4 leaflet holder templates. All templates are available in portrait and landscape with varied pocket sizes.
FREE Blank Letterhead Templates
Letterhead templates free to download.
FREE Blank Pavement Swinger Sign Templates
A selection of blank templates for the Eco Swinger range of pavement signage.
FREE Blank Poster Templates
Feel free to download these impressive poster templates.
FREE Blank Presentation Folder Templates
Presentation folders for you to download.
FREE Blank Sticker Templates
FREE Blank Sticker Templates
FREE Blank Table Talker Templates
Table talker templates to download for free.
FREE Blank Ticket Book Templates
Different templates of blank ticket books for you to download.
FREE Business Stationery Design Templates for Construction
Build up your reputation in the construction industry with this supply of stationery.
FREE Business Stationery Template Download | Spotlight Style
A classic design that will still get noticed.
FREE Business Stationery Template | Dark Side
Business stationery that is different from the traditional.
FREE Business Stationery Templates for Photographers
Make an image for yourself with this simple design.
FREE Business Stationery Templates | Blue Diamonds
A nouveau diamond style for the modern company.
FREE Business Stationery Templates | Blue Pattern
A FREE design template pack which is both contemporary and classic. Contains business cards, compliment slips and letterheads.
FREE Business Stationery Templates | Corporate Style 1
A crisp design for the modern professional.
FREE Corporate Business Stationery Template - Blue Squares
A fashionable design relevant for all businesses.
Baubles - FREE Christmas Card Template
A sparkling design to send out this Christmas.
Candy Sticks - FREE Christmas Card Template
A sugar-coated design for the festive season.
Christmas Tree Christmas Card Design | FREE Download
A traditional Christmas classic with a modern twist.
Rudolph Head - XMAS Card Template
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer...
Santa Head - FREE Christmas Card Template
Santa wants to wish you a merry Christmas.
Snow Scene Christmas Card Design
A festive scene for the holiday season.
Snowman 3D - Downloadable Christmas Card Design
This snowman image is the quintessential look of the holidays.
Snowman Head - Christmas Card Template
This cheery snowman will brighten up your Christmas.
Tree Pattern Christmas Card Design Template
All the Christmas trees you could want!
Download a FREE World Cup 2018 Wall Chart and Sweep Stake Sheet
Download a 2018 World Cup wall chart and sweep stake sheet
FREE 'No Smoking' Templates
All smokefree premises and vehicles need to display no-smoking signs to meet the requirements of the new laws. Download your free template here.
Avant-garde Flyer Template
This modern, lightly coloured flyer design is ideal for companies looking to promote multiple events.
Dark Star Flyers
This contemporary design offers a unique style for those wanting an alternative composition.
FREE Flyer Template with a Modern Design
A modern design with an edge of nostalgia for events.
FREE Leaflet and Flyer Template - Soft Blue Nautical Theme
A soft blue design with a nautical theme.
FREE Leaflet Download with a Circle Design
A brilliantly understated pure design that stands out among the rest.
Minty Flyer
A crisp green gives this flyer a refreshing change from the monochrome.
Tips for Buying Printed Fridge Magnets
All you need to know about buying Fridge Magnets.
Tips for Buying Promotional Leaflets and Flyers
Flyers are one of the most popular and effective marketing tools for bringing in new business, for small and large organisations alike.
A FREE Guide to Designing Exhibition Graphics
Exhibition graphics are a great way of getting your table or stand more noticeable.
Design Tips - How to Design Your Own Invitation
If you are looking to design your own invitation for a wedding, party or special event then look no further. This guide provides top tips to help you create the perfect invitation design.
Tips for Designing a Flyer or Leaflet
Whenever I approach the design of a flyer, I have a series of typical questions that I ask the client, and having clear answers ensures a successful project and a happy client.
Top Tips for Designing a Letterhead
Investing in a good letterhead is an important decision for businesses. It should reflect the company brand and help them stand out amongst their competitors.
Top Tips for Designing a Menu
The design of a restaurant's menu is fundamental to creating the perception customers have about the food served there, and as such should be an extension of the restaurant's ethos.
Using the Right Image
The right image can make all the difference to your promotional campaign and this is where stock photography can be extremely handy.
Design Formats Explained
When supplying your artwork please ensure it is high resolution
What is Digital Printing?
Computers are revolutionising the printing industry? This revolution is called Digital Printing.
What is Litho Printing?
If you are a designer, printer, or just want to print your company newsletter there are a few terms you need to know. One of them is Lithography.
What is Recycled Printing?
To hug a tree, or not to hug a tree...that is the question.
Black Text vs Black Background
If your artwork involves black text, ensure it is set to 100% Black (K) and 0% Magenta, Cyan and Yellow (CMY) as this will achieve maximum clarity/crispness when the text is printed.
Borders/Parallel Lines
When incorporating borders or lines running parallel to the trim into your design, it is important to ensure they are positioned correctly.
Considerations with Printed Greetings Cards
A few things to bear in mind when setting up artwork for greetings cards.
Gradients on the Digital Press
Artwork that includes gradients and is being printed on the digital press may experience colour banding, especially when the gradient only consists of one colour.
Grey Issues on the Digital Press
On the digital press, grey/pale or light weight fonts may appear mottled due to the way the print process works.
Grey Issues with Digital Printing
This page shows how to convert a transparent black (which will print as just black dots) into a transparent full colour black, which consists on dot of all four process colours, CMYK.
Ink Coverage
During the set up of your artwork, the ink coverage should not exceed 300% for any of the colours.
Vector Logos
In some cases you will not have a vector version of you logo available for us to use.
Writing & Stamping onto Your Printed Items
If you intend to write or stamp onto your printed items, you need to plan this into your design and take it into consideration.
FREE Instruction Sheets for Swinger Pavement Signs
Instruction sheets for Swinger pavement stands. Includes the Eco Swinger range of products.
Colour Me Jim Download
To celebrate National Colouring In Day, we are hosting a colouring competition.
Download a FREE Rugby World Cup 2019 Wall Chart and Sweep Stake Sheet
Download a 2019 Rugby World Cup wall chart and sweep stake sheet
Product Spec Sheet for Swinger Pavement Signs
Product Specification Sheets for Swinger Pavement Signs
Choosing the Correct Colour Mode
Picking the correct colour mode is essential when preparing artwork.
Choosing the Correct Resolution
What resolution does my artwork need to be?
Guide for Exporting Artwork for Printing
Guides on how to export your artwork in various file formats and software applications.
How do I convert text to outlines?
All text will now be converted to outlines ensuring the artwork can be opened on any computer regardless of whether the fonts are installed.
How do I supply my artwork for Spot UV Varnish?
When supplying your artwork for Spot UV jobs, we require an artwork file containing your CMYK artwork along with a separate file indicating the areas that are to be finished with Spot UV varnish.
How do I supply my artwork for Vinyl Print onto Clothing?
When supplying your artwork for vinyl print onto clothing, we require vector artwork.
Spot, Pantone and Process Colours Explained
Find out about the differences between Spot Colours, Pantone Colours and Process Colours
Tips for Choosing the Correct Text Size in Relation to Artwork Size
How to choose the most suitable text size when preparing your print
Understanding Bleed
This article will help you understand the importance of bleed and how to apply it to your artwork.
Understanding the difference between Vector and Bitmap Graphics
What is the difference between a vector and a bitmap graphic. This article explains all.
Understanding the Safe Area
Find out what the 'safe' area is, and why it is important when preparing your artwork for print.
Understanding Variations in Colour Appearance
What colour profile should I set my artwork in?
Visual Guide to Paper Sizes
A visual representation of the different sizes of paper.
What file format should I supply my artwork in?
An overview of recommended file formats for supplying artwork
What is the difference between Digital and Lithographic Printing?
What is the different between Digital & Lithographic Printing